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ACHILLES Anti-Static Flame-Retardant PVC Films
ACHILLES Anti-Static Flame-Retardant PVC Films Technologies

Flame retardancy property
Flame retardancy of PVC can be defined not only as having low ignition potential but also as having self-extinguishing property, which means that even if the PVC is ignited the fire will not flare up and self-ignite in time, minimizing spread of the fire.
Combustion comparison test between Achilles product and conventional PVC film has shown that
1. In 15 to 20 seconds (after flame started to contact), Achilles produce shows no sign of ignition, while conventional PVC is burning.
2. In minutes, only a small flame is observed on Achilles produce, while fire spreads all over on conventional PVC with large flames burning.
3. After flame source is removed, fire on Achilles produce subsided and finally Self-Extinguished.

This well demonstrate Achilles produce's flame retardancy (self-extinguishing property).
Note, however, being self-extinguishing means that, with fire source removed, the fire dies out, but with fire source existing, the fire will not die out.


ST Poly conductive processing technology
Achilles ST Poly is made with polypyrrole, a conductive polymer with an electronic conjugated system that provides uniform coating, compounding, and conductivity on surfaces of various materials and shapes of base materials.

Achilles Dissipative To Conductive
ST Poly Construction
Mechanism of electron conduction
Achilles ST Poly Polypyrrole
Achilles ST Poly Mechanism of electron conduction
Polypyrrole conductive polymer that has an electronic conjugated system
Bipolaron (Di-cation ) on the polymerized complex move between main conplex structure to carry electrons
Five features of ST Poly:
Achilles ST Poly Good Transparency
1) Conductive polymer makes extremely thin films and transparent conductivity possible.
2) Clean and stable conductive performance with minimum bleeding and defluxion.
3) Highly flexible to accommodate a wide range of materials and forms.
4) Excellent chemical properties - low out-gas, low ion contamination silicon-free etc.
5) Accommodates various after-processing etc.
Applications of ST Poly:
Achillese ST Poly Stable conductive performance
1) Film Protection film, Clean curtain, Spacer film
2) Sheet Vacuum forming sheet, Carrier tape base sheet, Stationery
3) Molded plastic HDD parts, Copy machine parts, Wafer carrier, Photo mask case, IC tray, HDD tray
4) Electrical parts FPC
5) Fiber / Thread Glove, Cloth, Wiper
6) Tooling Resin tooling